
Şuhut adresi, iletişim bilgileri


Şuhut is a town and district of Afyonkarahisar Province in the Aegean region of Turkey. It lies in a small plain, 29 km east of the city of Afyon. It has an area of 983 km², and the population is 39,421 of which 12,625 live in the town of Şuhut, and the remainder in surrounding villages. The mayor is Recep Bozkurt .HistoryExcavations of a burial mound at Kepirtepe show the plain has been settled since the Neolithic period. The town was established during the Hittite period and grew under the Romans, by then it was known as Synnada. See Synnada for details on the area in antiquity and for the ecclesiastical history of the town in the Byzantine period.TodayToday Şuhut is a country town providing schools and other amenities to the surrounding rural area. Much of the land is used for raising beef cattle and growing wheat; Şuhut is famed for the quality of its meat and wheat stew, called keşkek. There is also a poultry industry and other crops, such as sugar beet, are grown. The younger generation are migrating to larger cities in search of careers.Places of interest There are a number of Hittite burial mounds. The rock tombs of Bininler Asmakaya Castle Atatürk's House, aka Great Offensive Headquarters, a historic house museum, which was used as temporary headquarters by then Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha (Atatürk) right before the Great Offensive in August 1922. Şuhut Memorial Cemetery in dedication to the Turkish soldiers killed in action during the Great Offensive in August 1922.

Adres: Şuhut

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Şuhut'un yakınındaki benzeri yerler
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