
River Golf Resort adresi, iletişim bilgileri

River Golf Resort


River Golf Resort Akdeniz Mah. Acısu Cad. No:35 07505 Belek, Türkiye


River Golf Resort, Antalya Homes Real Estate tarafından inşa edilen bir sitedir. http://www.antalyahomes.com

River Golf Resort Management Bank Account

Account name : River Golf Resort Site Yoneticiligi
Bank name : Akbank, Belek branch +902427153330
Swift code : AKBKTRIS
IBAN Euro € : TR22 0004 6008 1203 6000 0308 89
IBAN Lira TL : TR67 0004 6008 1288 8000 0308 90

Tax number of site management:
Antalya Kalekapı Vergi Dairesi 735 066 3097

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Adres: Akdeniz mah. Acısu cad No:35, 07505 Belek, Serik
Telefon: +902423243530

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