
Külek Boazi adresi, iletişim bilgileri


The Cilician Gates or Gülek Pass is a pass through the Taurus Mountains connecting the low plains of Cilicia to the Anatolian Plateau, by way of the narrow gorge of the Gökoluk River. Its highest elevation is about 1000m.The Cilician Gates have been a major commercial and military artery for millennia. In the early 20th century, a narrow-gauge railway was built through them, and today, the Tarsus-Ankara Highway (E90, O-21) passes through them.The southern end of the Cilician gates is about 44 km north of Tarsus and the northern end leads to Cappadocia.HistoryYumuktepe (modern Mersin), which guards the Adana side of the gateway, with 23 layers of occupation, is at 4,500 BCE, one of the oldest fortified settlements in the world. The ancient pathway was a track for mule caravans, not wheeled vehicles. In ancient history the Hittites, Greeks, Alexander the Great, the Romans, Mongols, and the Crusaders have all traveled this route during their campaigns. The Bible testifies that Saint Paul of Tarsus and Silas went this way as they went through Syria and Cilicia. The Book of Galatians speaks of the cities of Derbe, Lystra, and Iconium - cities visited by Paul on his first journey (Acts 14; Gal. 1:2), with the purpose of strengthening their churches, at the beginning of the second preaching journey (Acts 15:40-41).

Adres: Pozantı, Adana, Turkey

ilgili aramalar: Gülek Boğazı Efsanesi, Gülek boğazı YILANLI kaya, Adana - Gülek Kalesi yol tarifi, Gülek Boğazı nerededir, Gülek Boğazı kaya, Adana Gülek Boğazı, Gülek Boğazı efsanesi kısaca, Gülek Boğazı hangi bölgededir
Külek Boazi'nin yakınındaki benzeri yerler
Kuelek Boazi Kuelek Boazi 0 metre Çıkış yolu, daimi rampa ve yolları bozuk. Engin araçlar çıkarken biraz zorlanabilir. ...
adrenalin ve cesaretin test edilebileceği bir doğa harikası.mutlaka gidin ve görün.
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