
Keban adresi, iletişim bilgileri


Keban is a town and district of Elazığ Province of Turkey. The mayor is Fethiye Atlı (AKP). The population is 4857.Keban is at the west of Elazığ Province and 46 km. far away from province center. At the east of Keban, there is Elazığ Province. At west, Arapgir District of Malatya Province, at north there is Çemişgezek District of Tunceli Province, at northwest, Ağın District, at south, Baskil province. There is the second biggest dam of Turkey, Keban Dam.

Adres: 23700 Keban

ilgili aramalar: Keban, Keban ne demek, Elazığ Keban kaç km, Keban Elazığ, Keban Nüfusu, Elazığ Keban Kürt mü, Keban Belediye Başkanı, Keban Seçim Sonuçları
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